
Marv command and conquer
Marv command and conquer

marv command and conquer

Your helicopters should easily deal with this threat, but if the building suffers from enemy attack, just repair it. The Upload will take six minutes during which the enemy will attack from both east and west. Create a saboteur and capture the Reclamator Hub - the building marked with the yellow marker.ģ - Defend Reclamator Hub until Upload completes Once the additional funds start filling your account. There shouldn't be any enemies in the vicinity so take over both Tiberium spikes in the middle of the map.

marv command and conquer

Remaining buildings will become an easy prey when you cut the off from power sources. Start the assault with construction yard and the power plant. Eliminate every enemy in sight and enter the enemy base. Gather your Venom helicopters and head northwards. The Venoms will only be able to damage him a bit, but the Obelisks of Light and the Avatars should be able to fulfill this objective. MARV is highly resilient to damage and has tremendous firepower so you'll need to throw everything you've got at him.

marv command and conquer

When MARV starts attacking your base you should have at least a thirty of them in the air. Start producing Venom helicopters which will become the core of your army in this mission. MARV's armor is highly resilient and even several dozen of Venoms may have problems penetrating it.

Marv command and conquer