The Viera race was introduced in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and appeared in several titles such as Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, and recently, Final Fantasy XIV. Red Mage is a job in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance available to the viera. The viera are found in the town of Muscadet deep in the woods. That's unfortunate, because otherwise you could recruit your fifth viera that way. This book is aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates studying sport-related subjects as well as anyone interested in how and why football has evolved as it has. But if the child's female, there's a 50-50 chance of her becoming either Human or Viera. Red Mage with Summoner is also excellent, although not as bonkers as it was in FFTA2 with Blood price. If the child's a boy, he'll always turn out to be a human. Learn step-by-step how to turn letters in to fun and frightening monsters. All the Viera that have presented in the agency are female as well as male Viera. I picked up FFTA and a GBA SP for X-Mas and the game is awesome.